Analysis Of The Rubber Room

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In the Rubber Room, Steven Brill does an excellent job analyzing and observing the flaws and weaknesses of the usage behind the Rubber Room. Overall, Brill uses three main characters and four hard cases that help the reader to develop a vivid picture of the inner workings of the Rubber Room. Throughout the whole article Brill allows us to see that the Rubber Room is a waste of money, is not overall helping the teachers , schools or students, and lastly I believe he tries to tell people how the school system is corrupt. One way in which Brill depicts the waste of money is in the case where Brandi Scheiner is sentenced to the Rubber Room. When interviewing him, Brill finds out that that Brandi was accused of blowing the whistle and got placed …show more content…

Brandi claims that “A three year stay in the rubber room will cost not only three hundred thousand dollars in salary, but at least six thousand dollars a year in addition lifetime pension benefits’’. By Brandi stating this she knows that the Rubber Room is not really a punishment at all. The sentenced teachers sit in a room all day and do nothing and still get the same salary or sometimes even more, half of the time the teachers sit in those rooms for a few years before their hearing is even up. Another example that Brill uses to help support his claim in the school system is overall hurting the education system lies with Steve Ostrin. Steve Ostrin was placed in the rubber room because he was not education or trying to help the children he was simply just handing back and reading the produced report cards. Brill used this individual to show that once a teacher reaches his or her protection plan that do not care about the education anymore and is only willing to do the bare minimum to slide …show more content…

Stevn Brill Thinks So, is written by Danna Goldstenin and helps to back put some of Brill’s claims, but overall send a new message as to why the education is corrupt. Dana states that yes, she agrees that the school system is corrupt, but she thinks the problems derive from the outside factors such as home activity, environmental factors, and finally poverty. She states “the fact that non-school factors – family income, nutrition, health, English –Language proficiency- affects children’s academic performance no matter how great the teachers are”. She infers that the teachers can be the best in the world, but if there at home environment is not supportive then their academic career will not be either. I think her claims would be overly dominate if she would have shown a type of citation in her findings, this would have led us to real evidence and help us to form a proper

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