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Virginia Colony
For Eng. 101

Virginia Colony
In 1584, Virginia was named after the Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was known as Virgin Queen as she didn’t marry. People in Virginia had to come up with a way to insure having food and even developed some equipment of hunting. The Virginia colony played an important role of agriculture and had its first contact with Europeans in the 16 century. After that, English settlers were the first permanent settlers to arrive in Virginia, but why did English settled in Virginia? What challenges did the colony had to face? And how religion was attached to labor? In addition, Virginia witnessed the American Revolution to get its Independence, however, many challenges and conflicts had taken place between Powhatan people and the English before it became Republic.
The Indians were the first people to inhabit Virginia. The increase of the population led to a spread of Indians culture. There were many villages and tribes, however, they gathered under the leadership of Powhatan. People who would disobey the chief or the leaders’ orders could be murdered or burned to death. The glaciers melting at the end of the Ice Age, provided a variety of plants and animals. The Powhatan people spoke more than 220 different languages but didn’t have any writing communications. The main spoken language was a form of Eastern Algonquian. Powhatan people lived on Virginia’s Coastal Plain and built their houses of reed mats and bark. They worshipped two major gods-according to their believe-Ahone and Oke-the good and the bad spirit. Religious leaders were considered as counselors to the chief. Priests and sorceress were recognized with different prints on their faces. In summer, Powhatan people wou...

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...their generosity and promises. In addition, wealthy people had invested in Backcountry, however, they didn’t plan to settle in their due to the shortage of labor. Years later, more immigrants came and raise animals, and that led to a reduction of tobacco production. In the end, the war of Independence was very important as it formed the democracy of Virginia. The battle was between the incredible army of Britain and many American colonies. The war lasted almost 8 years to get to its end. However, 27,000 of Americans and 10,000 of Britain had died.
Native Indians managed to surpass the difficulties and made tools that helped them to develop before their first contact with the European. In addition, the English settlers managed to establish a rich powerful colony, however, they were kicked out of the colony after the American Revolution when Virginia became Republic.

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