The Roseto Mystery Theory

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The Roseto Mystery can be explained by the sociological theories of Simmel, Durkheim, and Weber. The people of Roseto lived healthy life beyond the belief of a local doctor. They did not have any heart condition which cannot be explained by genetics, biology, or medicineaccording to the town’s local doctor. The Roseto Mystery could be explained by social factors that lead to these outcomes. Simmel, Durkheim, and Weber’s theories apply to the Roseto community and the societal interactions within. The Roseto Mystery, is about a doctor, Stewart Wolf exploring the possible causes for the large amount of healthy people in the Roseto town in Pennsylvania. The town had no deaths from heart conditions and hardly any other medical problems. This was …show more content…

He explained that mechanical solidarity is the primitive society; where there is hardly any division of labor and that almost all people do the same things. Because society is become more modernized we are turning to a world of organic solidarity, which is when there is a division of labor. He explains that solidarity comes with differences and the there needs to be large contributions from many people in order to survive. He also explained his theory of dynamic density, which is the number of people and the frequency in which they interact will lead to changing from the mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity. This means that there would be more specialization in jobs leading to greater efficiency and productivity. This would lead to expanding the population leading to a larger division of labor. Durkheim suggested that this will lead to more peace and prosperity. In the town of Roseto a young priest encouraged the townsfolks to build up the town by planting fruits and vegetables, raising lifestock, and growing grapes to make wine. They also expanded the community by having public service such as schools, parks, convents, and cemeteries. Small shops, bakeries, restaurants, and bars also opened. Durkheims theory explains how society is better when people in the community split up the work. In the town of Roseto they divided the work so the community was more productive. Durkheim also explains how there is a collective conscience, which is the ideas shared within a society. This means that not one individual knows everything but rather as a while society people posses these ideas. In the Roseto community everyone was willing to work together so the community thrives. Durkheim saw many problems with moving towards organic solidarity. He thought that anomie, the feeling of not knowing what is expected. This is because in the collectivistic mechanical

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