Romeo And Juliet Hate Analysis

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Romeo and Juliet: A Story of Hate When most read the story of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, their initial impression is that it is a beautiful romance about two star-crossed lovers whose lives end in tragedy. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the underlying theme of this story is the consequence of hate and prejudice. From the start, the play is filled with scenes which display the seemingly unfounded hatred between the Montague and Capulet households. This hatred is what keeps Romeo and Juliet from being together, and ultimately brings their deaths. The first scene in this story is also the first example we see of the hatred the Montague and Capulet families have for each other. In this scene, Scene
In Act 4 of the play Juliet finds that she is to be married to a man named Paris in an arranged marriage. After finding this out, she becomes deeply troubled because all of her hopes of someday meeting Romeo once again and eloping together are destroyed. She talks with Friar Lawrence, one of the only people who know about Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, and tells him about her predicament. Friar Lawrence gives her the idea to drink from a vial that will give her the appearance of being dead. Once her family assumes her dead the marriage will be called off and she will be placed in the family tomb. After 42 hours she will wake up from her sleep and she and Romeo can elope and spend the rest of their lives together. Juliet agrees with the Friar and drinks from the vial and her family assumes she is dead just like it was planned. However Romeo hears about Juliet’s death before the Friar has time to tell him about the plan. Filled with grief, Romeo decides that he cannot live without Juliet. Because of this Romeo decides to go to Juliet’s tomb and commit suicide so he can be with her forever. After the vial wears of, Juliet awakens in the tomb only to find Romeo dead next to her. Overwhelmed with grief Juliet grabs Romeo’s dagger and kills herself, unable to bear the thought of living without

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