Role of Women in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and in Society

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In “Frankenstein” penned by Mary Shelley, the author depicts the roles of Caroline, Elizabeth, and Justine as passive women by taking action only through the men around them. During the 1820s, when Elizabeth Blackwell saw the deaths of many people on ships being thrown overboard, she became inspired to become a doctor. However, during her time period, women were not allowed to get an education. Finally, Mulan, takes the place of her old father to join the Chinese army, despite her passiveness. A closer look at the roles of Caroline, Elizabeth, Justine, Mulan, and Elizabeth Blackwell reveal a time period where women were treated as objects and followers by men.
At the beginning of the story, Victor describes how his mother, Caroline Beaufort, met his father, Alphonse Frankenstein, after his mother’s father died in poverty. Victor describes his father meeting his mother by stating, “He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care; and after the interment of his friend, he conducted to Geneva, and placed her under the protection of a relation” (Shelley 28). With the death of Caroline’s father, Caroline becomes helpless with no money and nobody to support her in life. Luckily, due to Caroline father’s friendship with Victor’s father, she is able to have someone to buttress and protect her from harm. Therefore, Caroline decides to marry Victor’s father, Alphonse Frankenstein despite the huge age difference between them. Even though Caroline becomes the wife of Alphonse Frankenstein, she still plays a passive character by obeying the directions of her husband in the household.
Besides Caroline Beaufort showing the role of passive women in Frankenstein, Elizabeth shows her role of passive women by...

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...ies at college, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first doctor and reformer by focusing on change and reformation in the medical field.
Overall, the roles Caroline, Elizabeth, and Justine in Frankenstein and the roles of Mulan and Elizabeth show how on the outside, women are obeying the orders by men. However on the inside, they want to take initiative action of having their voice heard by others. Through the battles and protests of women’s right to vote and the get an education, women are able to have the same social status and education level like men. Now, as the proliferation of women increases in the medical, marine, political, and many more fields, the role of passive women changes to active women. Women could not only do household chores and take care of children, but they can also get jobs and work like men. Therefore, society is changing and moving forward.

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