Negative Effects Of Male Body Image

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In historical context, men have almost always been defined and/or identified by their jobs and roles in society. Today, this tactic can no longer be completely valid. It would seem that men feel the need to display their masculinity through their physical appearance. As of recent, it has been argued that a male’s body if one of the few remaining ways in which men can differentiate themselves from women. Although many people acknowledge that the mass media has a huge negative on female body image, not many people are aware of the negative effects that the mass media has on male body image.
The general population is aware of what the “perfect” female looks like, but what does the “perfect” male look like? According to the mass media, the ideal male is muscular, athletic, has no body hair, and has a muscular frame. The only thing wrong with this look is that the average male has little hope of actually achieving this image. An individual would have to go to extreme measures such as; excessive workouts, taking supplements, and potential drug abuse to …show more content…

The reported figures pertaining to males and eating disorders, as significant as they are, are said to be less than accurate. Male body discontent is unlikely to be reported due to it being perceived as a female concern. If the mass media views body imaging as a female concern, then a male admitting an eating disorder must find it really harmful to his masculinity. Awareness campaigns working to combat eating disorders have had a distinct female bias. Though now of equal importance, is the promotion of understanding that such issues are just as relevant to males. There is bias because the majority of people who seek treatment for eating disorders are in fact female. The thing that is really concerning is that even though there is a smaller percentage of men with eating disorders, the prognosis is not as promising for men as it is for

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