Christian Catechism

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What is Christian Catechism and why is it necessary to a depth understanding of the Christian faith?

A Christian Catechism is a collection of a highly structured presentation of the major aspects of Christian faith, traditions and apologetics. It is the end goal of Catechism to leave the reader with a breath of exposure to and depth of understanding of the major tenets of a Christian faith.

For centuries, people seeking a deep and meaningful exposure to the major tenets of the Christian faith have sought the highly structured presentation of these aspects in Catechism. Tents of Christianity often studied within these Catechisms include: belief, behavior, worship, prayer and the apologetics necessary to defend one's belief in the Christian doctrine. (Lee, Jan 8) Each questions contained within Catechisms are carefully selected to facilitate the study by the reader of the basic aspects of Christian faith, such as why lying and stealing are forbidden in the Bible, to the most complex facets of Christianity such as the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost as well as the complexes o...

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