The Role Of Government On Education Equality

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Role of Government in Education Equality
The United States of America is identified as one of the most powerful countries in the world. Unlike many other countries, America is well known for its free educational services from primary to secondary school. Pulliam & Van (2013) mentioned that the initiation of free public schools for all individuals situated in the period prior to the war of 1812. This validated the fight for education in America have started long ago during or even before the national period which occurred from 1776 until 1850. Two of the major combatants for free education were Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Rush. Thomas Jefferson believed that free education should be provided to all citizen, however, he opposed the idea of federal systems of schools (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2013). Similarly, Benjamin Bush primarily objective was to provide free education in all town that have more than 100 of families in residence (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2013). He believed that education should be free at all levels whether it was states, colleges or universities, and this way, we could prepare the world’s future leaders.
Years after the establishment of free public schools for all. The government had to ensure that all individuals benefit equally in all the educational system had to offer. Even though the system of public schools have been functional for years in all the 50 states, Americans are separated by many concerns and issues that surrounded the educational system (Pulliam & Van, 2013). A current issue is the use of standardized assessment for ranking, placement and performance outcomes. Another public issue is the discrepancy in school funds between the rich and the poor school districts (Pulliam & Van, 2013). Many states are ob...

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... for achievement fairness among the schools. Pulliam & Van (2013) mentioned an education bill that established national standards and testing was passed, then proceeds to congress, in January 2002 it became a law.
Moreover, many of our founding fathers attempted to promote a national system of education, unfortunately, they failed to do so. They feared that if communities, private families, churches, and society have the final say regarding education, the democracy has little chance of surviving (Pulliam & Van, 2013). Education was not part of the constitution when it was created. Thus, the right to create, maintain and govern schools that exist under the Tenth amendment fell to the states by default (Pulliam & Van, 2013). Even today, there is still on ongoing conflict concerning what legally pertaining the local school boards, the states and the federal government.

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