The Role of Alienation in The Sun Also Rises

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What I would like to show you by writing this essay is that for many individuals in many different generations, for some less for others more explicit, the time they live in does not fit their outlook on life. Because of this they live different lives than their generation and the cultural setting and standards of their era would expect them to live. They feel alienated and left out, or they are strange in the eyes of others, eccentric even, they do not fit in their time and the set of moral and aesthetic standards they live in. These are the individuals, of whom I could give you many examples. However, what is more interesting to me, sometimes an entire generation in a certain cultural setting, environment and time, can experience a feeling of alienation, estrangement, of having no ties with the past and no ties with the present or the future too. Not an individual who feels stranded in the wrong time, in the wrong place and perhaps even on the wrong planet. No, an entire generation living in a vacuum, feeling completely alienated of their time, waiting for the future, waiting f...

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