The Last Step In The Hero's Journey Analysis

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The next step in the departure is crossing the threshold. When Gawain left the castle, he crosses the first threshold into the unknown world. Crossing from Camelot to the realm of the unknown can be observed in this quote, "He had no friend but his horse in the forests and hills, no man on his march to commune with but God" (Tolkien 50). In addition, when Gawain entered the castle, a barrier was crossed from the trials of the outside journey to the trials faced in the castle. Furthermore, when he left the castle to go to the green chapel, a portal was transversed. After the departure, the initiation into the heroic reputation occurs. The first step of the initiation process is the road of trials. Many battles are experienced by the hero in …show more content…

Sometimes during the return the hero refuses the call to home due to their comfort in the new world. Although Gawain does not refuse to return to Arthur 's court, he does refuse the offer to return to Bertilak 's castle. The next step in the return is called rescue from without. As a result of Gawain 's failure, the feeling of imminent death seemed to be a reality. The rescue from without occurs when the green knight spares Gawain 's life and forgives him for his sins and the behavior he had in the castle. This forgiveness is displayed here, "So, Sir Gawain, you may think of this our contest when in the throng thou walkest among princes of high praise; 'twill be a plain reminder of the chance of the Green Chapel between chivalrous knights" (Tolkien …show more content…

This is when the hero is praised in both the mythological and the old realms. Gawain becomes the master of two worlds when he is praised by the King and also the green knight for passing most of the trials that he has faced. He gained the respect and the title of a virtuous knight in both the mythical world and old world. In the last step of the hero 's journey, he gains the freedom to live when he wears the green girdle and continues to prevail in his life as a virtuous knight. Although he holds the burden of his mistake, he is able to be alive and return safely to his

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