Rite Of Passage Essay Examples

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Rite of Passage Rite of passage is defined per Wikipedia.com as, “a celebration of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another. It involves a significant change of status in society.” Such as when a student graduates high school and prepares to attend college, get married, or live away from home working to support themselves. Maturation is not signified by an arbitrary age. Nor is it gauged by whether one attends college or not. The stage where the adolescent lives on their own, is the beginning of the process. This is a time to make choices based on the knowledge accumulated up to this time. In America, when one reaches the age of eighteen they are considered an adult and can vote. Chronologically they are …show more content…

The father’s upbringing was such that financial stability was the priority. The child learned that dads are busy and do not have time to spend with their children. What a devastating realization for a child to conclude. Yet like most little boys, this one wanted to grow up to be like his role model, no matter the example. During the time from childhood to adolescent, parental influence can be either beneficial or detrimental. If the parents have a stable home, clear boundaries and open communications with their teens, the transition could flow easier. The perfect father does not guarantee the child will not rebel. The young man moved away from his parents to attend college. This gave him time to mature and learn what was important in life. He did well in school, and was becoming successful. Even his father was proud of him. This time the tables were turned, the father wanted to spend time with his son. Only to be told, he had places to go and people to see, and can I borrow the car. Over time the young man married and had children beginning another transition, a rite of passage. The father now retired and reminiscing about his son called him, knowing he was a grandfather. He was proud and longed to visit with his son and see his grandchildren. He called him and said: “When you coming ' home

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