The Risk and Benefits of Estrogen Hormone Therapy for Postmenopausal Women

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There is a lack of collective focus regarding the recommendation of estrogen hormone therapy (ET) for postmenopausal women. For advanced practice nurses (APRN), clarification is necessary in order to inform their clients experiencing menopause of the risks and benefits of hormone therapy use. In the United States, breast cancer is the second leading cause of female death behind cardiovascular disease and its etiology is recently becoming more fully defined (Eccles, 2013). Breast cancer is exacerbated by the number of years clients use hormone therapy as well as each client’s lifestyle (Beckmann, 2014). Hormone therapy combination, dose and length of therapy as well as the client’s medical history all impact onset of malignancy, but the addition of progestin has been a contemporary focus of recent studies. Prevalence of breast cancer increased during the twenty years before the year 2002, then began to decline due to public awareness of long term use of 5 years or more of estrogen progestin therapy (EPT) (Norman, 2010).
There is a need for agreement among women’s health care providers concerning the role of prescription hormone therapy in menopausal women. For many years, menopausal women have used hormonal therapy for the support of symptoms such as: hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, insomnia, weight gain, vaginal dryness, recurrent urinary symptoms, and difficulty concentrating (NAMS, 2012). At times, the symptoms can be debilitating and have been estimated to affect 75% of women aged over 50 years of age (Chebowski, 2012). Symptoms may be worse when menopause first occurs. However, over time, they diminish. For women aged 50 to 79, the severity of symptoms tends to be individualistic depending on the client (NAMS, 2012)....

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