Abortion Is Murder Essay

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“ The most beautiful necklace a mother can wear is not gold or gems, but her child’s arms around her neck.” (InspirationalQuotes). Children are a special gift from God, sent with a purpose in this world. With Abortion legal in the United States today, brings what some would say is a “right” for the mother to terminate the pregnancy. Is it really a “ right” to terminate a pregnancy? Terminating the pregnancy means to get rid of the baby through either a pill, or in some cases through a surgical removal of the fetus. Why should it be legal for someone to kill an innocent baby who has no say, but illegal to murder someone, or to even accidentally kill someone? Americans need to understand that Abortion is murder, life starts at conception, they …show more content…

The “clump of tissue” that abortion clinics refer to the baby as develops a heartbeat that you can hear and see within five weeks after being conceived , which is when a women usually finds out that she is pregnant. This “ clump of tissue” is a child, a clump of tissue doesn’t just have a heartbeat, body parts, and such drastic development for no reason, it is a human being and it is preparing itself to enter the world. Everyone of us were in our mothers womb developing at that same rate and we are humans just like everyone of these precious babies being aborted without any chance to make their presence into the world. “1.2 million abortions happen each year in the United States alone, 3,288 per day, 137 per hour, 9 every four minutes.” reported by the Americanlifeleague (All.org). Sex is a choice, life is not, if you are responsible enough to have sex, you better be responsible enough to take care of a child without letting the selfishness of your actions get in the way. Word needs to get out so we can save these little bundles of joy by helping people understand that life does start as soon as the baby is conceived, abortions are not harmless they have life long mental and physical effects that come with them, and there are other options that can be provided to you instead of killing your innocent

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