Rise of Air Power in World War One

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At the 1899 Hague Peace Conference, it was declared that any combat from aircraft would be considered a war crime. (Eyffinger 227) Merely 20 years later, World War One had seen the daily use of airplanes and pilots for unyielding combat. While slow at first, the recognition of the power of aircraft was quick as the Great War started. Out of all countries involved in the war, Germany had the deepest trust in their aircraft, and this would shortly be to their advantage. Whereas numerous air forces were by now in working condition, the fighting usage of airplanes was minimal. The airplanes were used mainly as recon, but the potential for air combat was yet to be seen. As the number of air force recruits increased, the number of planes manufactured followed suit. Through “hero pilots,” the air forces were used as propaganda tools, and the honour of being a pilot was never modest. Whether multiple wings for stability or lighter frames for speed, airplanes were under continuous upgrades. The rise of airpower overshadowed any other advancement of WW1. Through the advancement of aircraft and the use of hero pilots, WW1 transformed the role aircraft played, gave a much needed boost to morale and pride and presented vital advancements to aircraft technology. To begin, the war gave a new perspective of aircraft, ostensibly revisiting and rewriting the previous role and feeling towards aircraft. During major battles, airplanes were used primarily to report enemy infantry and artillery. While it was true aircraft were very useful for reconnaissance purposes, they were capable of much more. Pilots at first had only a pistol to protect themselves in case of danger. When pilots demanded that machine guns be fitted to their airplanes, the air f... ... middle of paper ... ...3/william-billy-avery-bishop.html>. "Manfred, baron von Richtofen,” Encyclopaedia Brittannica Online. 2011. Encyclopaedia Brittannica. Web. 02 Jan, 2011. < http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/502888/Manfred-Freiherr-von-Richthofen>. McCaffery, Dan. Air Aces : The Live and Times of Twelve Canadian Fighter Pilots. Toronto:Lorimer, 1990. Print. Eyffinger, Arthur. The First Hague Peace Conference of 1899:"The Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World. n.p. n.d., 1999. Print. "Manfred von Richtofen – The Flying Circus." Global Oneness. II. Experience Festival, n.d. Web. January 1, 2011. < http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Manfred_von_Richthofen_-_The_Flying_Circus/id/5522954 >. "WW1 Aircraft Development." Iola-Scandinavia School. n.p., n.d .Web. December 21, 2010. < http://www.iola.k12.wi.us/faculty/tuckerb/WWI%20Aircraft%202Development.ppt >.

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