Theme Of Symbolism In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

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In Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s most famous work, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, I found literary critics, college professors, and multiple sources discussing the poem. The critics discussed the following work by the use of supernaturalism and religious symbolism. The poem can be viewed as a “dream voyage to another realm” (Keane 2). The poem reveals the “romantic myth of a circular transcending journey, organized innocence, and salvation” (Burke 2). In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge utilizes the concepts of symbols and supernatural elements to illustrate the fall and redemption of the ancient mariner. The albatross is the main topic Coleridge uses for symbolism. Coleridge uses different symbols in this poem but they are not as important as the albatross. An albatross is a bird associated with food and protection. The poem states that the albatross is “good omen to the seamen” (Coleridge 671). The albatross helped the men for nine days bringing them away from the mist of the fog. By its behavior, it brings peace and comfort to the men. Knight finds the albatross to be a “redeeming Christ-like force,” (1). Then the mariner kills the bird for no particular reason. Burke states, “by killing the harmless creature… man’s separated himself from nature” (6). It seemed that he believes himself to be …show more content…

The elements include: glittering eye, death and life-in-death, and water snakes . Coleridge utilizes these supernatural elements throughout the poem. Cuddy-Keane elaborates that Coleridge “evokes the supernaturalism, drawing the reader into its haunting symbolism” (par.1). Coleridge does not clearly reveal his use of elements. Alan Cooke quotes that Coleridge uses “narrative techniques such as personification and repetition to create…the supernatural” (par. 1). His use of supernatural elements helps readers approach the poem with a creative

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