The Use Of Strategies In The Revolutionary Crisis By Thomas Paine

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Revolutionary Writers Re-write During the time period in which the American Revolution occurred, situations were dire, and the general public was in need of persuasion and motivation regarding the war. Those reluctant to see the blatant necessity to go to war needed further persuasion, and those losing hope during the seemingly bleak war needed the drive to continue. With these emotions at hand, authors of the revolutionary period, realizing the urgent need for action, wrote to inspire. Writing to inspire requires a vast variety of strategies, some of which appeal to certain audiences of the time. Through the time period, powerful, descriptive literary devices, such as metaphor, imagery, repetition to name a few, were vitally important in …show more content…

Of the many devices used, the use of rhetorical questions in The Crisis by Thomas Paine serves as the most important in the piece because of how well it plays with the reader’s emotions. Studies have shown that the use of rhetorical questions which have high relevance in the lives of the audience result in enhanced persuasion to the readers, and Paine captures this idea throughout the passage as a whole. He states, “but if a thief break into my house...and kill or threaten to kill me… am I to suffer it? (Paine 3). Paine leaves the answer painstakingly obvious while capturing the situation between the colonies and Great Britain, showing the absurdity that the colonists are going through at the moment. If people were ignorant of the fact before reading the piece, this rhetorical question will undoubtedly leave the readers feeling oppressed, and thus, accomplishing Paine’s goal of persuading the nation into war. Such an instance of the use of a rhetorical question along with many others in the passage serve to convince the readers of the author’s purpose, and the relatability of these rhetorical questions assist the audience at that time in atrocious situations that they have been placed

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