Role Of Women In The Revolt Of Mother

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Mary Wilkins wrote her short story, “The Revolt of ‘Mother’” which mainly focused on a woman to stand up against an authoritarian husband. She wrote it during the time when woman had no voice and counted as a second citizen if not a slave. The writer realized that speaking out is the only chain breaker, especially for the character of Sara Penn to free herself and others from the cage in it since she was seen not as better than as the cow Mr. Adoniram had. He built a new bunny for his animals while his wife stayed in an old, wall-paper tear, and a roof issue home. More than that, she waited for about 40 years to have a new house expecting him to build her. However, instead of keeping his word, he built a bunny to his animals while his wife …show more content…

Because of that the writer of fiction story characterized Mrs. Sara Penn as a patient, devout, hardworking and respectful mother and wife of a farmer in New England. Moreover, Mary Wilkins makes unblemished in her story “ The Revolt of ‘Mother’” that, the feminist thought of that leading role of the voiceless wife as respect mother of her kids, secondary and confinement citizen , and protagonist role of women. Mrs. Sara Penn is a respectful mother of her kids and wife, but the word “mother” can have different symbolic meaning such as a mad woman, selfless wife and a mother for her kids. First, according the article, Mrs. Sara Penn is a mad because the writer says “she went into the pantry, and there was a clatter of dishes” where she can cook and wash the dishes (par. 44). Here only work is to fulfil her family’s needs as a mad to feed and clean such as “she laid out …show more content…

This imprisonment woman opens her eye when her husband try to build a barn while he has been promised her more than 40 years ago. She starts saying “‘I’m goin’ to talk real plain to you; I never have sence I married you, but I’m goin’ to now” (pra.77).For long time, this woman is speechless, undecided and voiceless in her own house hold; however because of the this burn issue she notices herself not as a second and imprisoned citizen, but as an owner who is able to decided saying “real plain” which can be basic and natural right of a human. In addition, she states as “‘unsolicited opportunities are the guide-posts of the Lord to the new road of life’” (par. 114). She calls her leading role against of the tradition that keep her as secondary and imprisonment of husband and culture as “new road of life”. She steps out of her cage and makes her decision to move forward while her husband is out of the town. She moves from the “old house” which she has been lived to the “new burn” that starts her new life. Also, it can be forget old happening, but it is a good start as equal as her husband. In addition, Mrs. Penn caging is not only by her husband, but also by her church/tradition. This is highlighted with the visit of the elder from her church; however, the visit of the church man couldn’t hold her from her new road of life to free

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