Theme Of Discovery In Life Of Pi

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An individual’s discoveries and the steps leading up to one’s discovery can change according to the morals and background of an individual. To discover, one must gain knowledge or awareness of something that was not known before . There are three different types of discoveries; first time, rediscovery of something lost, forgotten or concealed and discoveries that vary according to values and contexts. In the film ‘Life of Pi’ directed by Ang Lee, Pi discovers a spiritual connection within himself and also with an adult Bengal tiger named Richard Parker as well as a post-modernist worldview. ‘Into the wild’, a film directed by Sean Penn, which is based on true story, has themes of discovery present. Chris McCandless also discovers a spiritual connection within himself and in the environment around him.

In the film Life of Pi, Pi has a spiritualistic worldview following three religions, Christianity, Hinduism and …show more content…

It accepts the existence of many narratives that are equally valid or true. In the Jewish creation story of Kabbalah, Tsimtsum refers to the contraction of God to make room for a new universe. The contraction of God was followed by light being carried in five vessels, which sank into matter. God then reordered this into the dimensions of our reality. The sinking of ‘Tsimtsum’ in the film creates the platform for a new world and reality for Pi. A point-of-view shot is used to position the audience to fell Pi’s experience. At the same time, water and objects rush towards the viewer in 3D. This creates a mood of immense chaos especially when combined with cantered angles showing the rocking of Pi’s lifeboat. After being thrown off the lifeboat, Pi is shown over the ship using a birds-eye-view shot to emphasis the terror of his fall from the ship and to show the terror of what he may come to face. As and individual, Pi discovers a new world and reality present for

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