Revelations of Rosalind's Character in As You Like It

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As You Like It is a comedic play written by William Shakespeare. Act 3; scene 3 is a long scene in which Rosalind’s character is revealed in many ways. Shakespeare uses indirect methods of characterization to reveal Rosalind’s personality. Shakespeare shows Rosalind is unaware, love-struck, and crafty by using the indirect methods of a character revealing themselves through their words, private thoughts, and actions.

Rosalind is oblivious about the people’s feelings toward her. When Rosalind and Celia find love letters written to her Celia knows that Orlando has written them, but Rosalind has to have Celia tell her that. The method Shakespeare uses to show Rosalind’s inability to figure out who had written the love notes was when the author shows what the character says. Shakespeare uses this indirect method so people can figure out how little Rosalind thinks about her romantic life. By having Celia hint about who had written the poems and Rosalind not being able to guess, Shakespeare helps the reader understand how having the characters show Rosalind’s lack of awareness is the mos...

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