Tipping Persuasive Essay

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Restaurants should ban tipping. There, I said it. Please refrain from stoning me or if you choose to applaud, go on ahead. Let me elaborate why tipping should be abolished in American restaurants. If you live in America: You, Have. To. Tip. If you don’t, you’re considered a selfish person. However, just because that’s the system that we have, does not mean it is a good one. Tipping is a custom that: shortchanges servers, inconveniences customers, and makes the whole dining experience unbearable (Collegehumor). Ask yourself, why should you be responsible for paying the employees humanly? Although, we have grown accustomed to believe tipping a waiter or a waitress at a restaurant is part of the American dining experience, the fact is, it is a borrowed custom from Europe. According to Michael Lynn, a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, “tipping in the United States began just after the American Civil War in the late 1800’s”(Elkins). The custom was later introduced in the United States when wealthy Americans traveled to Europe, …show more content…

“Restaurants in the United States pay servers less than minimum wage, as low as two dollars and change per hour”(United States). For restaurant employees or any employee whose income is based on tips alone, living on a low salary and whatever tips they manage to earn a night creates an unstable income. That might be okay for a teenager trying to earn some extra cash during the summer, but what about single parents who have to afford day-care services and food on the table? In addition, in some restaurants, employers do not provide benefits such as health insurance. “In fact, servers are nearly three times as likely as other workers to experience poverty”, according to a March 2014 report from the National Economic Council and the United States Department of Labor

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