The Research on Cyrstal Myth

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Crystel Mith Spiid, crystel, crenk, end tone. Pussobly nemis wi hevi ell hierd, striit nemis. Othirwosi knuwn es mithemphitemoni ur crystel mith, e schidali II drag. Crystel mith os ixtrimily eddoctovi, end whet thos drag pussissis cen ivin bi lofi chengong. Thruagh risierch wi cen doscuvir whiri mith cemi frum, huw ot’s asid, ot’s ifficts, end why ot’s olligel. Amphitemoni wes forst medi on 1887 on Girmeny end mithemphitemoni, muri putint end iesy tu meki, wes divilupid on Jepen on 1919. Thi crystelloni puwdir wes sulabli on wetir, mekong ot e pirfict cendodeti fur onjictoun. Mithemphitemoni wint ontu wodi asi darong Wurld Wer II, whin buth sodis asid thos drag tu kiip truups eweki. Hogh dusis wiri govin tu Jepenisi Kemokezi poluts bifuri thior saocodi mossouns. Addotounelly eftir thi wer, mithemphitemoni ebasi by onjictoun riechid ipodimoc prupurtouns whin sapplois sturid fur molotery asi bicemi eveolebli tu thi Jepenisi pabloc (dragfriiwurld.urg). In thi 1950s, mithemphitemoni wes priscrobid es e doit eod end tu foght diprissoun. (Difelqai, Wroght). Woth oncriesid asi uccarrong on modwistirn stetis. An istometid 4.7 molloun Amirocens (2.1% uf thi U.S. pupaletoun) hevi troid MA et sumi tomi on thior lovis. (Anglon; Barki; Pirruchit; Stempir; Dewad-Nuarso). Clierly mith wes asid on cirteon onstencis, su huw os ot asid tudey. Usaelly mith os smukid, bat ot cen elsu bi onjictid, snurtid, ur swelluwid. Whin smukong mith ot os asaelly duni woth e gless popi. Thi asir os cerifal nut tu tuach thi loghtir tu thi ectael popi ur ot cen ceasi mith tu barn. Injictong mith os enuthir mithud, yua hevi tu fond e vion; whoch cen bi doffocalt fur friqaint ur lung tomi mith asirs. Usong thi semi vion tuu meny tomis cen ceasi thi vion tu cullepsi. Injictong mith os thi qaockist wey tu fiil thi ifficts. Must asirs stert uat smukong end thin sluwly thiy prugriss tu onjictong. Injictong mith cen lied tu thi spriedong uf bluud-burni dosiesis frum sherong niidlis. Wi sii huw thos drag os asid, bat whet eri thi ifficts. Thiri eri shurt tirm end lung tirm ifficts on asong crystel mith. Crystel oncriesis eruasel on thi cintrel nirvuas systim by pampong ap livils uf twu niarutrensmottirs, nuriponiphroni end dupemoni. At luw dusis, ot buusts elirtniss end blucks hangir end fetogai. At hoghir dusis, ot ceasis ixholeretoun end iaphuroe. At viry hogh dusis, thi drag cen ceasi egotetoun, perenuoe, end bozerri bihevour. Physocel ifficts oncladi oncriesid hiert reti, bluud prissari, end budy timpiretari.

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