Identity And Identity

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The way that someone looks, acts, and thinks are important aspects of a group and even more important in nation building. Due to the increasing amount of understanding people have evolved forming many different ways to categorize themselves with. Due to this, it has brought about stifling controversy spanning many decades; especially in regards to both religious and sexual identities. Ethnicities have determined that way that people can connect such as through a common language or background. The multiple factors of identity and ethnicity have dictated the american nation through social interactions pooling common ethnicities into specific groups forming a more free society, establishing new identities within our country, and further …show more content…

The identity of people and countries has evoked hardships for centuries and even troubled those who created the first American civilizations because some people do not agree with other identities ideas. Many factors contribute to creating identity and one of the many examples of a nation 's identity that has been dictated by a specific individual is Cuba before the rule of Fidel Castro. Before Cuba’s socialist revolution, they attempted to be governed under a vast array of government styles such as communism and an absolute dictatorship. These harsh styles of ruling upset the citizens of Cuba especially because their economy suffered through because of the Cubans revolting against communist regimes and the impact America’s Great Depression. Fidel Castro promised his citizens economic prosperity throughout the country introducing the new idea of socialism hoping to reconstruct Cuba’s identity. However, Castro’s regime was filled with empty promises and created the identity of an even poorer more oppressed country while also making enemies through isolationism (History of …show more content…

Many people have assumed the role of identifying with the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transexuals) for example, the push for equality under the law among lesbians, gays, bisexuals. Ethnic groups such as the Native Americans are prime examples as to a group that has influenced our world today. Native Americans have fought oppression by protesting a pipeline project in North Dakota that is said to run through their ancient burial grounds. The protests have begun a large uproar in politics leading many politicians to disagree about the placement of the pipeline ultimately aiding the ongoing fight of equality that has divided our

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