Roman Religion Essay

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Jan Peter Balkenende said that “Our society is the product of several great religious and philosophical traditions. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans, Christianity, Judaism, humanism and the Enlightenment have made us who we are.” Religion has been very important in society, and in the human’s life as a belief in a god or in many gods. For Romans, the religion was the belief of many things as gods, sects, taboos, superstitions, rituals, and traditions, which were created by themselves that means that Roman religion was polytheistic. In addition, the thought of roman about religion was less spiritual than humanity to command their being and security. As a result, some Romans believed the religion was a public institution, but for others it was a part of their life. The Roman religion was divided in two different classes: the state …show more content…

The state religion was the official name of formal religion where people of Rome worship gods and goddesses which were created by the romans family for honor to their family. State religion was focused more controlled and guide the attitude of romans, and the gods of it was more power than the domestic religion. Also, state religion made available the temples, priest and sacrifices. In addition, the major gods in the state religion were Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Juno. For instance, Zeus who was the most important in Rome because “he was the king of goods; the sky god (the great protector) – controlling the weather and forces of nature, using thunderbolts to give warning to the people of Rome” (Wasson, 2013). Zeus was the god who had his own temple on Capitoline Hill where became Imperator, supreme general, unconquered, and Optimus Maximus. Zeus wanted to take out the religion of Rome and put the Syrian god Elagabal. Although people of Rome reverence their gods, they could pray and make

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