Domestic Cultural Practices: Causes Of Harmful Cultural Behaviors

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Harmful cultural practices are practices that violate the right of humans and are defended under the rules of tradition, religion, and culture. Gender inequalities, superiority of men, “rigid gender roles and ascribing women lower status in society” are main factors of the causes of harmful cultural practices.


Harmful Cultural practices are social norms which have a desire of upholding cultural ideas about social and gender roles. There are many practices that violate human rights but I will be mentioning a few harmful practices which affect females such as early marriages and dowry, son preference and female …show more content…

It may mean that a female child is disadvantaged from birth; it may determine the quality and quantity of parental care and the extent of investment in her development and it may lead to acute discrimination, particularly in settings where resources are scarce.
Although neglect is the rule in extreme cases son preference may lead to selective abortion of female infanticide
Son preference is universal and not unique to developing countries or rural areas. It is a practice enshrined in the value system of most societies. It thus dictates the value judgements, expectations and behaviour of family members.
Son preference is a transcultural phenomenon, more marked in Asian societies and hysterically rooted in the particular system. In certain countries in the Asian region the phenomenon is less prevalent than in others. Son preference is stronger in countries where patriarchy and patrilineal are more firmly rooted. Tribal societies, which are matrilineal societies, tended to be more gender egalitarian until the advent of settled

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