Relevance for Country

562 Words2 Pages

At the first glance, from a broad point of view, currently Vietnam pharmaceutical industry possesses around 170 manufacturing companies (not to mention of thousands of business companies). Is it a positive sign that the pharmacy sector is developing ?
Yes, to some extent. However, if we take a closer look, domestic drug production is rich in number (accounted for 80%) but is only accounted for 50% of revenue because most of the products are conventional dosage forms with low scientific content. The remainder 50% is attributed to imported products with high price.
Acting as a leading unit in novel-dosage-form research and technology transfer center, Hanoi University of Pharmacy has to increase the scientific capacity to cope up with the development in pharmaceutical industry sector. Several notable researches, which have been transformed into commercial products, are the lyophilized injectable powder, controlled release tablets, ophthalmic nano-emulsion. Nonetheless, such researches are rare. In order to contribute to the improvement of pharmaceutical industry in general and my insti...

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