Relationships in Romeo and Juliet

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In this essay, I will be examining Shakespeare’s treatment of relationships in Romeo and Juliet. As a poet and playwright, he wrote 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems and 38 plays, one of his most famous plays being Romeo and Juliet. There are many different types of relationships between characters, and these are essential to the play. The prologue tells us that the play is about two star-crossed lovers from two feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets. There is hatred between these two families, this explains this, ‘Thou villain Capulet’. This quote suggests because of the hate between their families, the lovers are doomed from the start. Romeo’s relationship with Rosaline shows he is deeply infatuated and passionate. In act 1, scene 1, Romeo compares his love for her to being, ‘strucken blind’. He uses this hyperbole which empathizes his strong feelings towards Rosaline. He says long speeches, where he repeats the phrase ‘O’. These speeches imply that he is obsessed with Rosaline. ‘With Cupid arrow, she hath Dian’s wit;’. This proves that she does not the feel the same way about him, which shows his unrequited love for her. He often refers to Rosaline’s beauty, ‘that when she dies, with beauty dies her store’. This suggests that he feels lust for her and how Romeo is immature and confuses this lust for love. Shakespeare says that there are many different types of love in the play, in this case, infatuation. Romeo and Juliet meet in act 1, scene 5, during a social gathering at the Capulet’s mansion. In his speeches he shows strong emotion and exaggeration. This shows his immaturity and how he is overpowered by love. For example on line 43, ‘teach the torches to burn bright’. He compliments her saying she is more bea... ... middle of paper ... ...mmon for rich, aristocratic families to hire a nurse to care for the children in Elizabethan times. The nurse calls Juliet by her first name and nicknames such as, ‘lamb, ladybird‘. This suggests that they have a loving relationship Juliet confided in the nurse about her and Romeo, and she helps to arrange their marriage. This shows how she feels she can talk to the nurse and she is more like a mother to her than Lady Capulet. This explains this, ‘There stays a husband to make you a wife’. Shakespeare’s plays are still relevant today in today’s society because the relationships shown, people can still relate to. They are part of our everyday lives, even though the play is based around Shakespearean times. I think that the moral message of the play is that when people commit themselves to one another they need to be mature and have consent of their parents.

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