Comparative Study: Same-Sex and Heterosexual Marriages

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A question the author, Tara Parker-Pope, might be trying to ask could be, what is the difference in same-sex marriages and heterosexual marriages that affects their quality of marriage? According to her studies and research, same-sex marriages seem to be longer lasting than heterosexual marriages. Tara Parker-Pope talks about a few problems that both relationships go through and the difference in how they handle them. She comes to conclude that same-sex marriages last longer because they can relate to each other easier since they are more equal to each other in the relationship than those in heterosexual relationships.

People may automatically assume that Tara’s reason for writing this article was to inform people that …show more content…

Some religions believe that relationships should only be between men and women. For example, the Bible states in Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them" ("What does the Bible say about homosexuality?", 2016). But, according to Tara Parker-Pope, same-sex marriages are a good thing, only good come from them. There’s also the political point of view for wanting gay marriage to be legalized in all states. Then there is the psychological point of view; kids get bullied for being homosexual. They may have family members who are not accepting of it and that will take a toll on them. It will eat at them and kill their self-esteem until they hate themself and become depressed and maybe even suicidal. Many adults are still old school and do not accept homosexuals but the younger generations today and mostly acceptive of it. But those who are not, will bully and belittle people even if they just think that, that person is homosexual. Which may even affect same-sex relationships if they care too much about what others

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