Parenting Styles And Development In Adolescence

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Adolescence is a period in an individual’s life where their hormones start changing; they go through puberty, and they are no longer a child but an adult. This can be a very confusing and stressful process. Thus, making the relationship between parent and child an important factor in whether the child will develop a depressive disorder and have complications in their adolescence period. A parent can be an extensive influencer in the child’s transition, especially when it comes to them developing a MDD (major depressive disorder). Not only this but the child can also develop a drinking problem, have multiple sex partners, have a low or high self-esteem, influence the way they perceive themselves, and their self development.
Results have shown the more family interaction a child has with their mother or father the less symptoms they will come across while going through adolescence. There is a difference between the symptoms between a female and male. For example, the greater the relationship is with the mother and father for the female the less chances she will have to become a dropout and the fewer sex partners she will have in her early adulthood. Regarding males, the more control the parents have over him, the less he will
These parenting styles guide the way for which a child transitioning into adolescence will advance. For instance, a study showed the adolescence having a high self-esteem and a high well being in their transitional period, with the relationship of an authoritative parenting style. This could come from both of the parents or just the mother. In comparison, a parent with a permissive parenting style showed that the adolescence would have a low self-esteem as well as adolescence with an uninvolved parent. (Milevsky et al.). For this reason, the type of parenting style can be an immense way to leading the way into the child’s adolescence

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