Reform of the American Health Care System

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One of the major problems in America is the need for a new health care system. The number of uninsured Americans needing medical treatment is rising. Medicare, a major part of the American health care system, is projected to go broke in 2019 according to USA Today “Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing medicare”. A public option will bring Americans their own pursuit of happiness. I believe that with a national health care system, similar to the one in Canada and some European nations, this recession will be decease. The problem with Medicare is that it is not efficient and it’s in serious financial problems. Medicare is not the only problem in American health care system. The Increasing amounts of uninsured people, prescription drug costs, amounts of prescription drugs per individual, and having to turn down uninsured patients are all problems dealing with this health care system.

There have been many attempts to move towards a universal health care policy in the United States. However, none of the attempts have left with national health insurance. Instead, health care is constantly being reformed. The public option plan would be more convenient and less expensive. This will allow Americans to have a “more perfect union”. The reformed health care will relieve the stress and frustration on millions of American nation. In our Recession, a lot of people are losing their job due to cut backs and families are struggling and can’t afford health care.

Recent data from the Census Bureau show that "43.4 million people in the United States have no health insurance coverage". Almost eleven million American children are uninsured. That’s one out of five Americans that don’t have health care insurance. Adults and children don't have...

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... different in his Administration. He constructed an open, inclusive, and transparent process where all ideas are encouraged and all parties work together to find a solution to the health care crisis. President Obama will be working together with members of Congress, doctors and hospitals, businesses and unions, and other key health care stakeholders. I believe president Obama is committed to making sure we finally enact comprehensive health care reform.

“I suffer no illusions that this will be an easy process. It will be hard. But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and the conscience of our nation long enough. So let there be no doubt: health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year."

– President Barack Obama, February 24, 2009

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