Learning Reflection Essay

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In part one of my four series of reflective Journals I had discussed emotions in education and how they affect my own attitude to learning, I concluded that the process of learning should be exciting as it enables attention and connection. That is why; I believe that it is important for the teaching process to be one which involves both passion and enthusiasm.
Part two of my four series of Journals pays homage to a task that I was assigned. The idea of the task was for me to 1. Learn a new skill and then 2. Be able to communicate and teach my peers how to use this new skill, and so I commence this journal by explaining the processes I undertook during this task.
When assigned the task I chose the skill that I felt would most come in handy for myself in the future - This was how to use Google Docs (Similar to that of Microsoft word). Although there are numerous theories and drafts regarding the sequence in which people learn, my process of learning to use Google Docs encapsulates Kolbs “Learning cycle” model (1984) , his theory being that learning is developed from the following four stages; …show more content…

“Concrete experience” – classified as the processes I underwent to achieve my skill. I started by watching a YouTube tutorial of how to use the free word processor. Although the tutorial was informative I found after trying to recall the steps I was left blank, unable to use Google docs for myself.
2. “Reflective observation” – the reviewing and reflection stage, being led back to the drawing board after failure to learn through watching Tutorials, I decided to put my new found knowledge of learning styles to the test. Would through going down the kinaesthetic route of learning “Either through concrete personal experiences, examples, practice or simulation” Fleming and Mills, (1992, pp. 140-141) by logging in myself and trying via a more tactile approach be a more victorious

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