Reflection On Patient Communication

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Reflection on Proper Communications and Nurse-Patient Therapeutic Relationships Nearing the end of my rotation on the Maternal/Infant unit, I can confidently say that my practical patient care skills, such as bathing newborns, have improved greatly and fortunately completing one of my learn goals. My second goal resonates with Watson’s fourth Carative process on communication and developing therapeutic relationships with patients; this is a goal I am still unsatisfied with. I believe that my inability to reach these goals stems from my lack of confidence and fear that I might offend my nurse’s client. To compensate and to eventually attain this goal, I constantly observe other health care providers’ communication skills/delivering style to their patients’. In my observations, I have considered and appreciated many of the …show more content…

Though majority of the non-verbal communication skills are similar to ones demonstrated among non-transmen individuals, the verbal communication is different. The usage of the proper pronouns such as ‘she’ or ‘they’; or using the term, ‘feeding’ or ‘chestfeeding’, instead of breastfeeding (Wolfe-Roubatis & Spatz, 2015). In addition to healthcare providers taking initiative in understanding transgender postpartum care, the hospitals should take initiative in promoting care for transgenders. Firstly, the hospital creating a transgender (and LGBT) community should create an inclusive environment by listing ‘transgender’ or ‘other’ as options beside “male” or “female” in healthcare forms (Wolfe-Roubatis & Spatz, 2015). The hospital should also rename and reinforce to healthcare providers to start referring to breastfeeding class as lactation (and feeding)

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