Reflection On My Occupational Therapy Education

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As I was returning home from our on-site module, I reflected on what an extraordinary experience it was being in the aura of these self-directed and motivated individuals. How is it that we all gathered here? What brought us to this institution of higher learning? Exploring different reasons brought me to ponder why am I here, and how did I get here. Although this sounds like existentialism, there is a component of this philosophy in my professional journey. “American existentialists focus on human potential and the quest for personal meaning…If we relate this to the field of education, examining life through authentic thinking involves students in genuine learning experiences (Cohen & Atkin, 1999, para 10). Much of the professional …show more content…

21). I want to expound on the evolution of my occupational therapy philosophy. I attended Tufts University Boston School of Occupational Therapy in 1976 to 1978. As Cole wrote, the 1970's were the decade of frames of reference (Cole & Tufano, 2008). My professors, Margot Howe, Ed.D., OTR and Anne K. Briggs, M.S., OTR utilized the ecological systems model as a basis for curriculum design (Howe & Briggs, 1982). Within this conceptual model, The goal of the occupational therapist is to enhance individuals' ability to cope with the environment, to adapt to it, to change it, and to master whatever range of life-tasks and activities that will enable clients to accomplish their personal goals in the relationship to themselves and to the surrounding systems—that is, family, workplace, community. (p. …show more content…

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