Recommendation on means of measuring employee productivity

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Subject: Recommendation on means of measuring employee productivity Our in-depth research has further solidified what was already speculated: employee engagement is a popular phenomenon in the corporate world with employers taking particular interest in its impact on business. Dale Carnegie Training has revealed that annually $11 billion is lost due to employee turnover rates while conversely companies that have engaged employees outperform others by 202%. Lost money is lost revenue and thus a huge concern for businesses that are losing both profits and employees. This is only one of many ways in which employee engagement has an influential impact on business. According to Aon Hewitt’s 2013 Global Tends Engagement Report, 6 out of 10 employees are engaged, and while that is over half, it still leaves substantial work to be done in order to engage the other 40% of employees. This illustrates the increasing need for employers to find ways of actively engaging their employees if they wish to reap the benefits of a fully engaged task force. In order to capture this business impact many companies has incorporated yearly employee engagement surveys into their management design. While through pre and post-game surveys Cool Choices has been able to track changes in employee attitudes and behavior related to sustainability by expanding the scope of questions asked the impact of participation in the Cool Choices game on employee engagement and productivity can be more effectively measured. According to Forbes, “using employee engagement surveys are one of the ways the best companies get a pulse in their workforce.” With this information we recommend incorporating the following eight questions as a section in the Baseline and... ... middle of paper ... ...agement. The final suggestion we have for Cool Choices is the promotion of involvement by not only employees, but also senior leadership and executives in playing the Cool Choices game. Literature surrounding this subject speak to the importance of employees feeling a sense of alignment with the goals and motivations of their superiors. While the sense of ownership created as employees are able to take leadership roles while playing the game cannot be downplayed, the visibility of senior leadership taking on the same initiatives often provides huge motivation as well as further strengthening commonality. It is our belief that Cool Choices is in a unique position to capitalize on measuring employee engagement and productivity while remaining committed to the promotion of sustainable lifestyles both at home and in the workplace by incorporating these suggestions.

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