Reasons of why Vaccines are our Future

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Why are parents not vaccinating their children against preventable diseases? Many infants and children are dying around the world due to preventable diseases. The parents of children in underdeveloped nations of the world are in need of vaccines. Vaccines are sent to these locations to help the people thrive. However, in the United States it is a different version, where parents demand their children not to be vaccinated. Vaccines are readily available to people, yet they refuse for many different reasons. Most of the reasons given for not vaccinating children are because of religious reasons, forgetfulness, moral beliefs, monetary issues and the theory that vaccines cause other health related issues, such as autism. The United States have been privileged with support from the government to vaccinate all people who requested to be vaccinated against preventable diseases. Many people around the world are powerless in getting vaccinated and most die due to lack of healthcare and availability of vaccines. Parents have a choice to make about keeping their children alive. People who were able to witness outbreaks of diseases in the past know exactly how terrifying they can be. Children suffered and nothing could be done to help them. Parents today have no concept to how devastating and ruthless these deseases once were. Parents currently lack the knowledge and experience of what our past generations suffered through. If all the vaccines available now were accessible in the past, parents would have demanded any vaccine that was offered.

The first vaccine was created for the deadly virus knows as smallpox. Since that time many other vaccines have been produced to rid the world of other cruel and fatal illnesse...

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... them from death or a lifetime of illness and for the parent a lifetime full of regret.

Works Cited

Brink, Susan. "One Thing We Know About Autism: Vaccines Aren't to Blame." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 16 July 2013. Web. 01 Mar. 2014.

Butler, Kiera. “The Real Reason Kids Aren’t Getting Vaccines.” Mother Jones. N.p., 27 May 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. .

Vaccines and Immunizations. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.

Vaccines and Immunizations. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.

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