Real Estate Properties: Two Types Of Real Estate Properties

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Real estate valuation is also known as property valuation or land valuation and defined as valuing the real estate property. There are two types of real estate properties: commercial and residential. Residential properties are meant for single family homes, whereas commercial properties are meant for offices, apartments, retail, or industrial buildings. The valuation of real estate properties is necessary, and there are various ways to value real estate properties. There are two types of real estate properties, and these are commercial and residential properties. Residential property is a property, building or flat that are designed solely for the purpose of use by a person or a family to live in on a day-to-day basis. Commercial property is a property which is designed for the purpose of manufacture of a product or for the sale of goods and services. Hence, residential property is for an individual or a family for living purposes while commercial property is for the use for a businessman. Commercial leases have larger durations than that of residential leases. Commercial lease has more age of around five years or more, but residential leases are easily renewable, and there are more voids attaché to residential lease …show more content…

This method is used when the property is expected to have future and stable returns. The first step is to calculate the annual expected gross income by taking in consideration, the value of vacancy and rent collection losses. Second step is to calculate the annual operating expenses and deducting it from effective gross income to get net operating income. Third step is to estimate the price for which an investor would pay for the property, and it is known as capitalization rate. The last step is to apply the capitalization rate to property’s net operating income to get an estimation of the property’s

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