Modern American War: Reasons For The Modern American War

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Reaction Paper for Modern American Wars America has been at war for the majority of its history, and in this class Modern American Wars a lot was learned about America’s wars. As time went on the reasons may have differed but the fact remained the same, America is a warring nation and attempts have been made to justify the reasons we are fighting. Nations go to war for many different some of these include, expanding their territory, trying to gain their freedom, or even gaining new resources and revenge. Modern American Wars began with the Spanish American War. This war began because Cuba was trying to gain its independence from Spain. The United States got involved when one its battleships was sunk protecting United States Citizens and its …show more content…

World War Two began with Germany signing alliances with both Italy and Japan against the Soviet Union, violating the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler even sent troops to occupy Austria and annexed Czechoslovakia. As Hitler was trying to expand his empire no other country wanted to join the conflict. And until the Nazi Party signed a nonaggression act with the Soviet Union, and Germany turned its attention to Poland did another country stand up. Immediately after France and Britain declared war against Germany to begin World War Two. America tried really hard to avoid actually going to combat by supporting the allies with any needs they may have. Unfortunately, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Americas entrance was inevitable. This war was also justified due to mass aggression shown toward smaller surrounding nations. The Korean War was the next major conflict America was involved in. North Korea sent seventy five thousand troops across the thirty eighth parallel. The North was supported by the Russians while the South supported by the United States. Many feared this was the first big step in a communist campaign to take over the war. This war was completely uncalled for, the battle over the thirty eighth parallel was a simple border war, not some scheme to dominate the world with communism. There is now a two mile demilitarizing zone that still exist

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