Systematic Racism In American Society

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Oh, Is There Still Racism?: Systematic Racism in American Society
The lack of awareness among society surrounding racism is a problem of great proportion. Everyday people go on with their daily routines, unaware of the discrimination and inequalities around them. A lot of the time those who are unable to recognize these injustices are people in positions of power who are not affected by them. While these issues may not directly affect them, that does not negate the fact that they still exist. After centuries of progression within the United States many people have been led to believe that racism is a thing of the past, failing to acknowledge its undermining presence in people of color’s everyday lives. Racism still runs rampant among American …show more content…

People in positions of power often look at the different perks they get as something normal that everyone gets which allows them to not think about race. Society is no longer in a state of active racism, a state in which racist acts are more blatant and intentional, it is in a state of passive racism, a state in which racism is more ingrained into people’s daily lives. A lot of the benefits white people enjoy are considered normal, something they do not have to think about. This kind of privilege furthers racism because it gives certain groups of people unfair advantages or disadvantages based on their race. It is interesting to point out that some of the most prominent institutions for systematic racism, like the housing industry, do not disadvantage white people. While people of color are regularly getting denied housing loans that coincidentally force them to stay in the same bad neighborhoods, white people are moving into nicer homes throughout the country and gentrifying urban neighborhoods. This society definitely helps a certain group of people; it is just not as easy to identify. The simple things white people are not asked to think about are the things that get them ahead in …show more content…

In the eyes of the beneficiary that is not a problem, so there is no incentive to change it. Among one of the main points she puts out is the belief that one has to be white in order to be considered American. To exemplify this believe she

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