Racism in America Today

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"The legacy of past racism directed at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the capacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure." - Stanford Historian George Frederickson.
The population of the United States of America has been one of mixed race since its very beginning. Boatload upon boatload of enslaved Africans provided a labor force which would fuel the American South’s economy for many years, until national abolition and the subsequent civil rights movement created a primarily biracial population of blacks and whites. The US has come a long way since those days, and today every child born into the US is taught from an early age the evils of racism and the shameful actions committed by slave-owning US citizens in the past. From textbooks to televisions, the modern USA seemingly works tirelessly to teach its population that discrimination by race is wrong and that all races are equal. This has led to a great national complacence among whites, and a widespread belief that the US has mostly eradicated racial prejudices. But it is not so, and despite a population almost entirely composed of people who would not consider themselves racists, racism still pervades in the US. In many cases modern racism occurs at the hands of whites who almost absolutely are completely unaware of their discriminatory actions. Why does racism still exist in our contemporary US society, and what can we do differently to eradicate all racial prejudices completely?
Despite the 2008 US election of its first black president, it is impossible to deny that there is a very strong anti-black bias present in ou...

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"Resolution Against Racism and in Support of the Goals of the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance." Http://www.apa.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. .
United States of America. U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Prisoners in 2011. By Anne Carson, Ph. D. and William Sabol, Ph. D. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. .
"What Causes Racism?" What Causes Racism? N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. .
"White Racial Apathy and Subconscious Racism." BlackYouthProject. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. .

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