Strategic Management Strategy: Outsourcing And Vertical Integration

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Chapter seven discussed outsourcing and vertical integration. Outsourcing was defined as handing activities and processes to external suppliers. The reason companies do this is because they are not capable of doing it themselves due to technology, resources, etc. Vertical Integration is the complete opposite of outsourcing. It can be defined as all processed and capabilities done within the company. The main reason companies do this is because they have the right technology and people to get the task done within the company. Outsourcing or vertical integration is a choice the company has to make and there are risk with both as well as advantages. If a company choses to outsource one advantage is flexibility. The company has flexibility to move to cheaper suppliers. If they thing their current supplier isn’t good enough or too expensive, they always have the option of finding a better external supplier. This is one way to take advantage of lower costs. Another …show more content…

Each strategy is based on being high or low in the following two categories global integration and national responsiveness. To have a low global integration it means the company doesn’t operate in every country. If the company is low in national responsiveness it means your customers use the product in the same way – no matter which country they are in and vice versa for high. International strategy is low in both global integration and national responsiveness. While, global strategy is high in global integration and low in national responsiveness. This particular strategy is low in cost. Next, Transnational strategy is high in both global integration and national responsiveness. This strategy is considered high in costs, but the most common strategy companies pursue. Lastly, multi- domestic strategy is low in global integration and high in national

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