Ding Typology Reflection Paper

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Many times people refer to me by remarking about my personality traits. It’s just something that I have become used to. When I was assigned to do the DISC and JUNG typology assessments, I was quite interested in what their outcomes would be. According to my peers, I am a very outspoken individual that puts a high regard to morals in life. With this being said I was curious what the outcomes of the two assessments would be.
Before I begin discussing the outcomes of the two assessments, I would like to discuss a few things that came to my realization while doing these assignments. I have always either been told or felt that I am a very up front, matter of fact individual that hides nothing in life, tells all that I feel necessary, and lives on the “it is what it is” basis. …show more content…

This is me.

Jason Sharp
As for the JUNG assessment, I was found to be ESTJ. The JUNG was very repetitive to the DISC assessment. Once again I was found to be one to thrive on order and continuity, focusing on organization of people (supervision), typically one to enforce the rules that are handed down from a higher authority. The JUNG did mention one thing that I completely disagree with. It claimed that I felt the need for attendance at weddings, funerals, and family reunions. I hate all of these occasions.
The JUNG went on to mention that I feel traditions I very important. I agree with this. It goes on to talk about how this type typically seeks out their family heritage for a sense of security and belonging. I find this interesting considering I just purchased a farm only because it would make me a 7th generation of my family to have owned it.
Lastly, the JUNG claimed that my type promoted work ethic, and that power position and prestige should all be earned and worked for. I completely agree with this and strive to teach this to my students in class. I found that these assessments, if given the right amount of thought,

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