Critical Analysis Of Love And Marriage

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Critical analysis paper #2
We turn to our friend and look for support and advice during times of need. We search potential mates for courtship, mating and marriage. Most of us recognize relationship as most important part of our lives. People across the globe describe that the quality of relationship between individuals determine overall satisfaction of life. Relationships are vital part of our sociocultural, historical and political context. Close relationships are found globally; but because of the expressions of these relationship based on culture, they are vary significantly. Culture have impact on what is considered appropriate in attraction and mate selection, in expression of love and sexuality and in the form of marriage and divorce.
We learn about culturally appropriate negotiation, cooperation, reciprocity and interpersonal sensitivity through friendships, which serve the purposes of socialization and enculturation within society. Friendships may serves as regulatory function which teach children modify their behavior to fit into peer and cultural norms. Friendships may also have the function of buffer which protects children during adjustment of life events such as immigration or social and economic transition like war. …show more content…

In India, love and marriage are not treated together historically because marriage was viewed as social duty while love was viewed as personal ideal. It is perceived as irresponsible and antisocial if love before marriage traditionally in India, but the ideas of love and marriage is changing due to globalization and technology. As long as the relationship ends with marriage, romantic love is considered acceptable. Young adults in India express the feeling of want to experiment love and the goal of the romantic relationship is marriage. I, as EA, also want to experiment love and romantic relationship but would not consider marriage as a goal of my romantic

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