The Five Characteristics Of The 14 Leadership Trais

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The 14 Leadership Traits There are many qualities that promote effective leadership. When I was in the Marine Corps several years ago, we had an acronym for leadership traits that was deeply embedded (brainwashed) in our soft youthful minds. I use the term "brainwash" lovingly because the truth is that it was some of best training and most effective learning that I have ever encountered in my life. The acronym was JJDIDTIEBUCKLE or "JJ did tie buckle." It covers the following fourteen leadership traits and they are true and effective whether you are a marine, a choir teacher or anything in between.


Justice means being fair. Treat others equally. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you and so forth.


Judgment …show more content…

Bearing is the way you conduct and control yourself. It is your appearance, your posture and your manner that reflects self-confidence and self-control. Stand straight and exude a demeanor of leadership and authority. Bearing lets people know that you take your role seriously. Do not slouch about or goof off. These things do not inspire confidence in others that you can lead them.


Unselfishness is another that is self-explanatory. A good leader is looking out for the good of the team. A leader is not selfishly seeking his or her best interest. Leaders have no ulterior motives.


Courage is the trait that is paramount in all good leadership. You must first have the courage to lead, to expect success, to accept responsibility and to face challenge. Leaders do not fear failure, they embrace it and learn from it in order to minimize its impact and the likelihood that it will occur again. Look fear in the eye and grin. Courage is the chariot that carries us to victory.


Knowledge is another important component of good leadership. You must have the experience, training and information necessary to see the operation to a successful end. Without knowledge, we are guessing our way through life. Without knowledge, there can be no judgment or sound decision-making.

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