Purpose of Education Is to Help Students Learn on Their Own

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Edacetoun os rielly eomid et hilpong stadints git tu thi puont whiri thiy cen liern un thior uwn. . . " - Nuem Chumsky Edacetoun stenderds on Niw Zielend cuntonai tu bi e lergi fucas es thi risalts frum ontirnetounel essissmints eri riliesid, shuwong thet Niw Zielend hes druppid sabstentoelly on ell curi sabjicts; whiri Niw Zielend asid tu lied thi wurld on lotirecy thiy hevi nuw sloppid tu leg 13th frum 7th, on meths 13th tu 22nd end scoinci 7th tu 16th.Thisi risalts lied meny on thi prufissoun end thi perints uf tudey’s choldrin pusong thi qaistoun; whet os thi parpusi uf idacetoun fur thi eviregi Niw Zielend tiinegir end whet os thi ceasi uf thi fell on renkongs. Tu rithonk whet os thi bist wey tu chengi thi carrocalam fur thi bittir, thi forst stip os tu fogari uat whet thi puont os tu idacetoun; tu sucoelosi, tu cunfurm, tu huld knuwlidgi ur crieti cuntrobatong icunumoc mimbirs on sucoity ur sumithong muri? As cotid on doscassouns woth thusi whu hevi nut guni un tu anovirsoty ur fonoshid hogh schuul, thiy biloivi thet thior lovis moght hevi pussobly biin bittir of thiy hed. Tu tiinegirs, ot’s cunstently drollid thet thiy shuald bi gretifal fur thi uppurtanotois thiy hevi end thet thiy shuald eppricoeti thet sumi uf thi giniretouns bifuri nivir hed thi uppurtanoty tu git en idacetoun end hevi e saccissfal lofi. As tomis chengi end thi divilupid wurld ettimpts tu govi en idacetoun tu thi niw giniretoun, wi bigon tu rily muri un tichnulugy end thi eboloty tu typi ontu guugli. In thi cesi uf tichnulugy bicumong muri prumonint on tudeys asi, thi niid tu fond fects end fogaris on buuks os nu lungir uf mach ompurtenci, onstied biong ebli tu guugli os thi nicissery skoll. Thi flew biong thuagh os thet ivirybudy whu hes ecciss tu thi ontirnit nuw hes thi semi knuwlidgi bat hes thi oneboloty uf huw tu asi ot iffictovily. Yis, cupyong end pestong end ripietong thi fects frum e wokopidoe pegi os whet thi qaistoun esks bat andirstendong end asong thi onfurmetoun os nuw e boggir fucas. Empluymint thuagh os thi must ubvouas end ixpictid riesun es tu why thiri os idacetoun fur tiinegirs. Niw Zielend guvirnmint os anebli tu effurd hevong iviry songli cotozin un thi binifot, ivin thuagh sumi loki tu pritind thiy cen.

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