Sequential Vs Simultaneous Photo Lineups: A Comparative Analysis

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Incarceration and other forms of punitive measures constitute as the designated approach elected by the United States to deal with crime. The intended purpose for employing these methods varies in which the central focus of some individuals is to shield society from offenders while the motive of others is to render justice through means of punishment. Thus, the former may champion programming if they believe it grants the opportunity to reform recidivists while the exclusive concern of the latter is that lawbreakers are penalized. However, it is imperative that developing positions that may influence decision-making are based on valid research rather than preconceived or unsubstantiated beliefs. Thus, the use of a “best-practices” approach in the criminal justice system is intelligible. This system possesses the power to inhibit corruption and dispense justice to the victims of crimes, but it is also capable of depriving the innocent of their freedom which can result from eyewitness misidentification. Therefore, it is vital to implement the use of the most effective procedure when conducting photo lineups. Overall, although sequential photo lineups are not infallible, they retain a multitude of advantages and are a superior alternative to simultaneous photo lineups. Importance of Using …show more content…

Essentially, it was presumed that eyewitnesses would rely on their memory to choose a suspect rather than make a decision by examining the similarities and differences of those individuals in the lineup (Wells, 2011, Steblay, & Dysart p. 2). For example, a victim may unknowingly size up lineup members and subsequently select an individual who was not the perpetrator, but most closely resembles their physical traits or exhibit mannerisms that the victim associates with their offender. Thus, in theory, sequential lineups would perform better than their alternative

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