The Three Major Concepts Of Psychology In Every Aspect

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" Psychology In Every Aspect" Who would have ever thought that Psychology would play a major role in our everyday lives. You would think that psychology is strictly a run down of the brains way of functioning and mental disorders truth be told , it is actually way more than that. Psychology deals with everything from the way we sleep to the way that we think. You could say that with out psychology we would not know why we do the things we do nor would we be able to fully understand ourselves and interactions with others. Psychology is the study of our minds and every broad aspect of it. In my opinion the three major concepts that people should know about would be : Nature vs. Nurture, Right brain/left brain functioning, and Social norms . These three concepts explains our ways of thinking, our behavior and development as well as our daily encounters. …show more content…

The left side of the brain focuses more on the academic aspect of things while the right side is more creative, I guess you can say that there are 2 types of people in this world because of it. For example , I am right brained I have always been good at anything that dealt with creativity and because of that I had to train myself to be more academic . Ever notice that in schools there are always the students that make good grades in classes like math, science, English etc.because it all comes easy to them but if you put them in a music class or art class they probably wouldn’t do as well and vice versa with artistic students. This also goes hand in hand with Nature vs.

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