Psychological Interventions

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When dealing with a disaster, people tend to get symptoms, whether they are psychological or physiological. As we all know individuals or shall I say survivors of a horrific disaster are more open to receiving help during a crisis. When a person has experienced an event that fabricates emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral distress or problems, crisis intervention is used to offer immediate, short-term help in order to help people along the way. For example, if a victim of a disaster is experiencing symptoms of any kind, such as; withdrawal, isolation, anger/irritability, fear of recurrence, etc. crisis intervention can be of assistance as it offers several principles. Some of the principles of crisis intervention intend to reduce the intensity of an individuals or survivors emotional, mental, and physical behavioral reactions to a crisis. This intervention also helps survivors/victims to return to their level of functioning before the disaster occurred. In order for this intervention program to work, the survivors must refurbish new coping skills and eliminate the ineffective coping skills that the victims have previously used such as withdrawal, isolation, and possible substance abuse. This intervention supports the individual in recovering from the crisis through talking about what happened, and also the feelings about what happened while developing more efficient coping skills and also better ways in which to solve problems the survivors may be experiencing. This intervention program also tries to prevent serious long term problems from developing as well. A person or survivor, who has experienced a crisis such as a disaster, may need help within 24 hours of the experience or may not seek help until a few wee... ... middle of paper ... ...taking in support groups. In addition, this therapy also helps patients with anxiety disorders to tackle their fears. In conclusion, Cognitive behavior therapy works well for some, yet it’s not for everyone, as it is also the same with all alcoholism and drug treatment approaches. Even if both of the intervention programs I have mentioned don’t have an effect on all individuals, there are plenty of other programs out there willing to be of support to any or all survivors, whether it be due to a disaster or an act of violence. Both are traumatic crisis’s that can have a mind blowing effect on an individual at any given time. Knowing that there are support systems out there willing to help with their problems, it gives the survivor/individual a sense of safety that things in the end will be okay, because it is normal to have symptoms to an abnormal event like such!

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