Protecting Information with Cryptography

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When it came to Cryptography, the idea of information security is what originally lead to it. In different words, Cryptography is the protection and security of all information. This is going to involve encryption as well as decryption of all messages. Encryption happens when you are converting plain text into what you would call cipher text. Decryption is when you are going to gain the actual original results of the text that was encrypted, (Jevons, 1974). Although cryptography provides confidentially within documents, it also consists of providing authentication, integrity, as well as non-repudiation. When it comes to the crux of cryptography, it is going to mainly revolve around the secrecy of all keys that are being used to encrypt as well as decrypt. Another factor involving this is the actual key strength, it is going to make it difficult in order to perform a brute force amongst the plain as well as cipher text in order to retrieve the key. There are numerous and a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms that have been suggested, (Jevons, 1974).
Within the globalization time, cryptography has become way more popular as well as powerful; in fact cryptography is important to several areas such as mathematics, computer science, networks, etc. The overview as well as comparison that is between both of the factors pertaining to the RSA cryptosystem and the elliptic curve is going to be discussed. Both of these are focused on either sending or receiving messages. Basically the basic and most novice theories of the RSA and elliptic curve are going to be explored.
When it comes to both of the RSA cryptosystems and the elliptic curve cryptography, they are quite similar but the elliptic curve is well more advanced and difficult. T...

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...iffie-Hellman keys are more vulnerable when it comes to a smaller subgroup attack. With practice, this issue is going to arise for both sides of the parties within the Static mode as well as for the receiver during the Ephemeral Static mode. If you use what you would refer to as a weak random number that is generator without the complete random output, would make the sender and receiver more vulnerable to the authentication of the communication between both of the sender and the receiver. As the final result, it is going to be vulnerable to the “Man –in-the-middle” attack, (Frederick, J., 2001). This is going to defiantly allow any attacks to imposter or pretend to be the desired party in which the sender is sending the key exchange. Once this is authenticated to each party, this person is going to be able to decode any traffic that is sent amongst the two parties.

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