Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

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Genetic Engineering is highly controversial since some people believe that genetic engineering is playing God. As this fact there is opposition to the progression of the field by people who do not see the value in genetic engineering, or they fear what genetic engineering may lead to for us as people. There is a history of discover that belongs to genetic engineering, which has led to numerous products that have emerged which have brought numerous applications to the society of the world. Though there are benefits to genetic engineering, there are also drawbacks to genetic engineering including ethical and legal issues that are dealt with in today’s society in order to try and regulate the growth of genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering seems like a convoluted subject to broach. But in actually the form of genetic engineering practiced today is a more efficient method than what was practiced for hundreds of years which was selective breeding. Farmers, scientists, all ranges of humans practiced selective breeding which is just the intentional breeding of selective animals with desirable traits so that those traits are passed on and present in the offspring of those animals (Selective breeding).Genetic engineering is a streamlined version of selective breeding. Instead of choosing two organisms with desirable traits and compelling those organisms to mate with each other you can in take a splice of DNA, which is called gene splicing or recombinant DNA, and place it in a bacterium or a developing organism and you can produce the desired trait from the original organism in a completely different organism. With this process you could theoretically go as far as being able to develop a cow that has the DNA of a shark to develop g...

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...troit: GreenHaven Press, 2006. Print.

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Webber, Glenda D. "Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms and Products." Jan 1995. Biotechnology Information Series. Web. 8 November 2013. .

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