Properties of the ipRGC Photopigment: Melanopsin

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Properties of the ipRGC Photopigment: Melanopsin IpRGC’s are unique in that they contain their own photopigment, melanopsin (source). Melanopsin is categorized in the opsin family because of its ability to receive a photon of light and translate it into an electrochemical signal. This ability has been observed and is well understood in the photoreceptor rods and cones. The photoreceptors are key players in translating visual stimuli to a language the brain can understand. Their ability to interpret visual cues on their own depends on the opsins that are integrated into their structure (SOURCE). Comparing photoreceptor opsins and the opsin expressed in ipRGC’s is helpful because they both act to relay signals to the brain. The pathway however, that transfers signals from each is quite different and will be discussed in the following section. Provencio and colleagues isolated an unknown type of opsin from photosensitive dermal melanophores of Xenopus laevis, also known as the African clawed frog WHAT YEAR?(pickers). Due to this discovery they named this new opsin, melanopsin (pickers)(hankins). Despite the fact the african clawed frog is a vertebrate, tests showed this opsin identified more closely with invertebrate opsins (39%), than with vertebrates (~27%) (hankins). ...? More recent studies have revealed there are actually two types of melanopsin: mammalian-like Opn4m and Xenopus-like Opn4x (hankins). All opsins are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their most distinctive feature is located on their seventh transmembrane domain (source). This feature is the presence of a retinal attachment site which binds to the chromophore through a schiff base linkage (davies). The chromophore is a region on the opsin where two ... ... middle of paper ... ...d-messenger systems but it is uncertian which of these pathways are involved in ipRGC phototransduction. Studies are being conducted to better understand these pathways but the pharmacological tools available are not sufficient to make concrete conclusions. Despite the lack of technological advancements, pharmacological approaches and tedious studies have devised a potential model for the melanopsin phototransduction cascade in ipRGC. (figure 4? hankins). It has been noted that melanopsin interacts with Gq/G11. This G-protein then activates a PLC-β which creates Ins(1,4,5)P3 and diacylglycerol (DAG). These activated messengers may regulate the TRPC6 or TRPC7 channel, possibly by a PKC (hankins.. all of it). Again, these components are not confirmed. and future studies should aim to better understand the pathway through which melanopsin in the ipRGC is activated.

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