Disadvantages Of LPS

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In 1980s, Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell did to create LPS to improve productivity in construction with predictability and reliability of its production. LPS also work in new product development and design. LPS is a short-term project planning system which are used 20years ago in construction engineering.
Lean production was developed by Toyota Led by Engineer “Ohno”. To get perfection in design criteria, lean construction took the Ohno’s production system. “The term “Lean” was coined by the research team working on international auto production to reflect both the waste reduction nature of the Toyota production system and to contrast it with craft and mass forms of production” (Womack et al. 1991).
Lean production can now be understood as …show more content…

 The benefits of LPS will be demonstrated by the improved performance of project planning process at each and every phase.
 Compared to traditional construction project management, LPS approaches to smooth variations in construction work flows develop planning foresight and reduce uncertainty in construction operations.
 With the aid of study that reports obstacles and issues associated with implementation of LPS on a construction project.
 This thesis aims to produce the following outcomes:
i. The benefits of LPS will be demonstrated by the improved performance of project planning process at each and every phase. ii. The industry will be provided with a study that reports obstacles and issues associated with implementation of LPS on a construction project. iii. Recommendations and suggestions will be proposed to overcome such difficulties for the effective implementation of LPS.
The objective of the research is
 How to implement the LPS in Singapore construction industry to complete the project within the stipulated time and …show more content…

Compared to traditional construction project management, last planner system approaches to smooth variations in construction work flows, develop planning foresight and reduce uncertainty in construction operations. The Singapore’s Construction Industry can be expected to achieve the predictable work flow and rapid learning in programming, design, construction and commissioning of projects by implementing the last planner

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